You Need To Connect With Your Readers

by Bryn Youngblut on September 29, 2008

I recently watched a keynote speech by Gary Vaynerchuk that reminded me about some things that I have always tried to do. Actually Darren Rowse posted about it the other day highlighting 13 Gary Vaynerchuk tips.

When I watched the video and Gary said, “answer every single email and every single comment on your blog’ for the rest of your FREAKING life” I immediately thought YES that is exactly what I have always tried to do.

I believe simply connecting with your readers is VITAL to your success. You’re not going to be able to reply to every comment because there’s only so many times you can say thanks every time someone says “Great post!”. I always make sure I reply to every email I receive. I have literally written emails of over a thousand words replying to multiple questions and giving advice to someone I have no idea about and may be completely unknown. But you know what, one of these days that ‘no-name’ kid I replied to giving my advice and help is going to remember that and might just become the next Shoemoney, John Chow or Robert Scoble.

If you haven’t watched the video yet I recommend you do, you will not regret it and there is so much value in Gary’s keynotes it’s unbeleiveable.

Gary Vaynerchuk Blog World Expo Keynote Speech from David Peralty on Vimeo.

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{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

1 Ryan September 29, 2008 at 9:28 pm

Good Stuff Bryn. I see you have devoloped a nice fan base. I am digging the theme you have here as well. I have changed my theme about 50 times and still dont like it. There is always a hole in some part of it. Maybe I will contact UBD.

Anyways, I agree with your post. Keep it coming.

Ryans last blog Social Search


Bryn Youngblut Reply:

I’m the type of person that’s never satisfied with anything, it’s why I usually just keep my websites simple because if I make it too complicated then I find myself constantly changing things.

You may want to consider buying one of UBD’s already made themes that can be customized pretty easy and they’re all very nice. A custom theme is going to run you over $1000 minimum.


2 OutsideMyBrain September 29, 2008 at 11:34 pm


I was just thinking about this issue. Thanks for the reminder! Connecting with readers, Followers, Stumblers, etc. is critical. Keep up the great work.

OutsideMyBrains last blog post..Funny Pic: Speed Monks (SFW)


3 Angel Cuala September 30, 2008 at 4:53 am

This is good reminder to us that our readers are our direct customers. However, I think it is not always advisable to thank every commentator. Otherwise, Darren Rowse would be spending so much time to do it.

But then, we can also find other ways to connect with our readers such as make a post out of their comments / answers to your questions or visit blogs that looks interesting.

Just my 2 cents.

Angel Cualas last blog post..Why a Family Business fails


Bryn Youngblut Reply:

Of course it’s impossible to reply to every comment, and yes good point the Q&A posts have been getting popular lately.


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