Investing In Your Body

by Bryn Youngblut on October 26, 2008

I hate sounding like a preacher but I felt like talking about something a bit different that is probably the most important thing in your life. Your Body.

So yesterday I finally bought a new chair. I figure if I’m spending so much time on the computer working I may as well be comfortable and not screw up my back anymore.

I’ve always had a strong belief that your body is THE most important thing you will ever own. If you didn’t have your body you wouldn’t exist. That also goes for having an ergonomic keyboard and mouse set up. Treat your body well, or when you’re older you will really regret it.

I strongly recommend getting a comfortable chair if you don’t already have one. My posture has improved so much already in only a day of using my new chair and my back feels much better.

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1 Tim Brazer October 26, 2008 at 4:28 pm

That’s a nice chair. I had to buy a new one also.

Working in an MRI dept. I notice many patients come in with hunched backs and disc and Lumbar spine problems. This was one of the reasons I got a new ergonomic chair with lumbar support.

Most of the time they get these problems because they just don’t know how to sit of just don’t care. They end up paying in the long run and I end up seeing them with back spasms and pain radiating down their legs. That’s a common problem.

Take of yourself! 8^)

Tim Brazers last blog post..No. 1 Rule of Thumb: Follow it


Bryn Youngblut Reply:

Yeah exactly. I’ve always had bad posture and tend to lean forward just from being on the computer so much, not to mention my old chair was horrible and had little support.


2 Tushar Dhoot October 26, 2008 at 5:06 pm

I have a very similar executive chair just like yours, but I don’t fit into it so I still tend to lean forward. If I put my back to the chair, my hands are too stretched and I can’t type as well.

Tushar Dhoots last blog post..Shoemoney Comment Contest: WINNER!


Bryn Youngblut Reply:

Yeah I know what you mean. If I move the chair closer though I can still type fine and keep a good posture, maybe your keyboard/mouse setup could change to better accommodate your sitting position?


Tushar Dhoot Reply:

I have a laptop so I can’t change anything but where the laptop is.

I took your advice and tried moving the chair closer, but the closest it’ll go to my desk still doesn’t allow me to sit back and type. Weird.

I’ll have to look into a different type of chair it seems.

Tushar Dhoots last blog post..Shoemoney Comment Contest: WINNER!


3 Melvin October 27, 2008 at 3:00 am

My parents have taught me when I was young the importance of proper posture. Thats why I always have the better posture than most other teenagers in these days. But you’re right I mean, its essential for any people to invest in their body no matter what.


4 Chris October 27, 2008 at 9:40 am

Sexy chair, makes me want to get a new one soon 🙂

Chriss last blog post..Here’s where it all happens


5 Dennis Edell October 27, 2008 at 11:02 am

I’ve had those problems for years, but being big and tall, you wouldn’t believe how much those chairs cost.

Dennis Edells last blog post..Is Your Online Reputation Solid? I hope so, It’s All You Have.


Bryn Youngblut Reply:

Oh I couldn’t even imagine, do you need to get them custom made?


6 Dennis Edell October 27, 2008 at 11:38 am

I haven’t even looked at “custom”…but on the big&tall sites and the big&tall sections of sites like staples and so forth, a $40 chair might be $300+ – no exaggeration whatsoever.

Dennis Edells last blog post..Is Your Online Reputation Solid? I hope so, It’s All You Have.


Bryn Youngblut Reply:

Ouch, that is a huge markup.


7 Arfan October 28, 2008 at 10:20 pm

That Chair Looks soo Comfortable I wish I had it!!!! LOL

Arfans last blog post..Happy Diwali to All my Friends


8 T Shirts November 1, 2008 at 12:31 pm

Nice, its true i spend countless hours in my chair and I think I could use a new one as well…


9 Sam With Traffic Is King November 4, 2008 at 12:04 am

Getting the right ergonomic chair and setting up your workstation is key. Think about it. As marketers, we spend countless hours in front of the computer sometimes without moving. I know I get annoyed if i have to get up to go to the bathroom. So having the right chair and setting up your screen at eye-level, etc is key to preventing postural dysfunctions and repetitive motion injuries.

Sam With Traffic Is Kings last blog vs – Which Measures Web Traffic Better?


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