Five Steps to Making More Money with Affiliate Marketing

by Bryn Youngblut on November 6, 2008

The following is a guest post from my affiliate manager, Chelsea, at Market Leverage.

In every successful entrepreneur’s mind is the question of how to improve their current efforts and maximize their bottom line.

This is very true when it comes to affiliate marketing. Whether you are promoting through email, search, or web media, there is always room for optimization.

1. Are you reaching your audience?

This may seem a bit rudimentary, but when you are looking for ways to improve, first consult the basics!

First and foremost, consider how many people you are reaching and what you can do to reach more!

Think about the demographics of your audience, as well as the placement of your offers. Are you promoting on the right search engines? Are you creating content sites or direct linking? Are you promoting on the right websites with the top banners?

2. Are you promoting what’s HOT?

Be sure to check out your affiliate network’s top offer section. MarketLeverage has a Top 20 section, updated daily to provide our Publishers with the most successful campaigns. Are you running any of them? Why or why not?

3. Ask and you shall receive!

Consult your Publisher manager about which offers are doing well for your particular niche. After all, we have the inside scoop and want you to succeed! There could be a particular creative that is doing well or there might be an offer that is converting really high on search. We have this information! All you have to do is ask.

4. Are you spreading yourself too thin?

Sometimes it pays to have mass coverage, but other times it’s better to invest in a few key marketing channels. Consider where you are investing your resources and keep in mind the possible ROI of each investment. This could save you a lot of money!

5. Practice Makes Perfect

You know the old adage, “Rome wasn’t built in a day.” The truth in that saying is why it’s well known. The industry is changing every day, and there are a lot of factors that can make or break your success. However, if you can pinpoint what is working for you and continue to develop strategies to build upon that success, you will make more money with affiliate marketing!

Now that you have your plan of action, it’s time to start optimizing!

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{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

1 Sohail November 6, 2008 at 6:33 pm

That is a great article. I would like you some more on how we can reach target audience (or a link if you have already written) 🙂


Bryn Youngblut Reply:

I’ll probably write an article on ways to reach your target audience in the near future.


Sohail Reply:

That will be great looking forward to it 🙂

Sohails last blog post..Windows 7 Pre-beta – Download the trial version and extend it for 120 days for FREE


2 Dennis Edell November 7, 2008 at 8:01 pm

I would like to see that as well; just getting into the whole AM field.

Dennis Edells last blog post..8 Effective Viral Marketing Techniques


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