Doing Nothing Could Make You A Lot More Money

by Bryn Youngblut on December 28, 2008

So I was just looking over my stats for the past few days and I was pleasantly surprised. My ROI went up a nice amount over the last few days. Basically what happened and taught me a great lesson is patience can pay off huge. What I decided to do before the holidays was lower all my bids enough that I knew I would still get good traffic but also cover any losses if conversions went down a bit while I was away. I was surprised to see that even though I lowered my bids traffic kept up and so did conversions, so my ROI increased a nice amount.

I have a bad habit of increasing my bids to get more traffic but it usually ends up losing me money (a lot more gross sales but less net profit). I am still leaving it all as it was and it’s still doing great. I feel I’ve done enough tweaking the past few months with a few of these campaigns that it’s time to work on new ones and keep an eye on the others.

I hope everyone else’s campaigns did well over the holidays, it’s always great to come back to more money and not more problems.

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1 Neil December 28, 2008 at 3:36 pm

haha lucky you!
When I went away for my first time my hosting also went down for the first time. I spent a good chunk change before I was able to check up on things and pause it all.

Neils last blog post..Countdown To ASW! Are you going?


Bryn Youngblut Reply:

I think I remember reading about that, your Florida vacation or something? I have my servers set up to send me an email/text if they go down or have any problems to prevent that. That sucks but I’m sure you’ve learned greatly from that.


Neil Reply:

hahaha, ya I got that now too!

Neils last blog post..Countdown To ASW! Are you going?


2 Mark December 31, 2008 at 6:46 pm

I don’t understand exactly what you’re talking about when you say you’re doing ads on Facebook and other places.

I don’t know much about affiliate marketing but I always thought of it as placing ads on your own site and receiving revenue from your own traffic.

Are you saying you sign up for affiliate networks and place ads on them, receiving your percentage as an affiliate?

Maybe you could write a post explaining what exactly you do and clarify how it works. I think that would make for an interesting read as I haven’t really seen much information on the basics of this.

Excuse my ignorance and good post btw.


3 Anthony Dinh - Diaries Of A Blogger January 3, 2009 at 12:58 am

@mark – yes, you could place affiliate ads on your site, or sell ad space/”sponsored ads” if you had a website that generated enough organic traffic where you could monetize it.

most affiliate marketers, however, usually take this approach:

1. join affiliate networks, and select a niche product(s)
2. perform keyword research for daily search volumes and competitiveness, and create ad campaigns to target audience based on keywords
3. drive traffic to the product offer via ppc (pay-per-click) ads using search engines such as google/yahoo/msn, or through social networks such as myspace/facebook
4. instead of linking directly to the offer, some affiliates opt to build their own landing page/bridge page to presell, or warm the customer up to making a purchase, which will increase conversions in most cases

this method is called ppc marketing which yields quicker results. seo (search engine optimization) marketing takes longer, but does not require money to drive traffic. basically you optimize your landing page by placing your keywords in key places on the site, such that it will rank high on the search engine’s results page for a specific term. this will then drive organic traffic to your site instead of you having to pay per click.

Anthony Dinh – Diaries Of A Bloggers last blog post..Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to All My Readers!


4 Melvin January 3, 2009 at 10:39 am

i have never increased my bids towards the holidays. Although the revenue I have earned is just slim, its just fine since I never really worked on my campaigns that much.. lucky me!

Melvins last blog post..Spam Spam Go Away


5 Lawyer Frank January 6, 2009 at 1:51 pm

I’ve noticed there is a threshold on increasing bids where the traffic will go up but ROI will go down. Finding that happy medium is essential to a successful campaign.


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