Meetup202 Toronto First Meetup

by Bryn Youngblut on January 26, 2009

We had our very first  Meetup202 Toronto yesterday at a pub called the Fox and Fiddle. Initially we met up at Tim Horton’s and then relocated as we filled the place up.

I was really surprised of how big the turnout was for the very first meetup. We had more than 20 people show, some people completely new to the business and others with vast amounts of knowledge and experience.

We had a few guys from networks come which was cool too (insert affiliate links below):

Geofferson from Advaliant was there. Also Neil from Adcommunal was there.

Here’s some pictures from the tim hortons before we relocated to the pub.



Thanks to Neil for the pics. If anyone took pics please send me them.

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{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

1 Twitter Banking January 26, 2009 at 1:56 pm

Looks good. Damn can’t belive u needed to re locate. Haha I see some familiar faces. That iis good it was a good turnout


2 Wes Mahler January 26, 2009 at 9:23 pm

Very cool, thats a great turn-out. But it looks freezing in Toronto!

Wes Mahlers last blog post..New Year’s Accountability


3 Michael Grabowski January 27, 2009 at 10:26 pm

The turnout was great. Even more so for the first time out. Looking forward to future meetups.

Michael Grabowskis last blog post..MGrabowski: @garyvee haha, i agree. material purchases = shit when compared to living a full life.


4 Niche Affiliate Marketing January 30, 2009 at 10:59 am

I couldn’t make it. Hoping to be there next month.

Niche Affiliate Marketings last blog post..Improving Click Through Rate on Your Search Ads Part III


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