Quick Update And What I’ve Been Up Too

by Bryn Youngblut on June 3, 2009

If you talk to me on a regular basis then you know how busy and mia I’ve been lately. I won’t go into much detail because it’s not relevant but here’s a few of the reasons why I’ve been so busy:

  • Moving into my new house next week and having a bitch of a time finding proper insurance because insurance companies are super paranoid and don’t understand what my business is. I should have it all resolved soon but it’s not been easy.
  • —Removed this one for now—I will write a quick post about it next week – it’s a surprise and I don’t want my girlfriend to see it just yet. – not it’s not a proposal
  • Planning for Affiliate Summit East stuff.
  • Buying home furniture and everything else.
  • New computer system/setup arriving Friday, it’s a BEAST. Should have pics of my new office up within a couple weeks. This should be a funny comparison if you’ve seen a pic of my current setup.
  • Packing clothes and everything for the move next week.
  • More and more stuff I can’t even talk about.


P.S. A bunch of people have signed up for Tatto for this contest but I have barely seen anyone do much for generating revenue, remember whoever generates the most wins, even if it’s a couple bucks!

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{ 5 comments… read them below or add one }

1 browie June 3, 2009 at 9:16 pm

Sounds like an exciting life for you. I too am busy finishing up my Masters Degree and will be finished July 10th. I can’t wait.


2 Ian Fernando June 3, 2009 at 9:36 pm

haha same here I am having issues with banks cause of my business – they want employment papers and want to see continuous income – but I show them my months income, surprise, but still wont want to work with me

– haters

Ian Fernandos last blog post..Sometimes Ideas have to Come to an End.


3 MIchael Grabowski June 4, 2009 at 10:57 am

ya, banks certainly have a hard time understanding this business.


4 MLDina June 4, 2009 at 4:04 pm

I’m moving this week too, isn’t it a pain?! It’s a full time job on it’s own, so I’m sure working on your surprise, planning a trip, and running your business on top of that is driving you insane. We’ll be at Affiliate Summit as well, so let me know your plans. We’ll have a few events going on we’d like to invite you to.


5 CashBack June 9, 2009 at 12:46 pm

Yes banks are clueless about internet businesses. I remember back when I was applying for a car loan a couple years ago I had to tell them that I worked for one of the companies that I am just an affiliate for. Since that company had been paying me consistently for a few years, that was enough to get around any red tape. Now I want to apply for a new credit card and will likely have to do the same thing to get approved.

Good luck on the move Bryn. I am jealous of your new beast computer. I have a laptop with a broken monitor propped up behind my monitor. Sigh I gotta make some money soon.



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