Ever Wanted To Run Your Own Affiliate Network?

by Bryn Youngblut on July 2, 2009

hasoffers-logoDuring the first week of May I received an email from Andrew Bachman informing me about their new website called HasOffers.

I normally would have shrugged it off like I do most emails I get daily about random stuff, but Andrew mentioned in the email they were sharing this with me because of how great my relationship is with Mike Cataldo, who is the Director of Affiliate Relations for Tatto Media so that spiked my interest and got me to take a look. Am I ever glad I did!

Basically, HasOffers allows anyone to setup their own network in a matter of minutes, for free, which is just incredible.

Now, it can get pretty pricy if you are running your own linktrust or directtrack network and are not doing substantial volume to justify it. Hasoffers offers the same services and quality (if not better) they do but it’s FREE! (for up to 250,000 Clicks per Month), if you require more it’s pretty cheap starting at $99/month for up to 500k clicks and if you are really killing it up to $799/month for unlimited clicks. This is a pretty dam good deal if you have a purpose for your own network.

Personally I have played around with the HasOffers system a lot on my own account and I plan on using it for some campaigns very soon.

You may be thinking, why do I need my own network if I can just run my offers through other already existing networks and let them do all the work? Well you could…or you could run your own private network for just yourself and make more money.

Let’s say you’re running a particular biz opp campaign and a network is paying you $37 a lead. If you went direct to the advertiser you may be able to get paid anywhere from $40-$45 or more by running it through your own network. You’re basically eliminating the middleman of a network.

Now, there are disadvantages to this route. The main ones being payment terms and safety. Most people use networks and take less pay because they can get paid on a weekly basis and are usually safe if the advertiser decides not to or can’t pay.

So, you have to weigh your options and decide if you want less risk and less reward or more risk and more reward, different people, different levels of risk.

Of course the main purpose of HasOffers is so you can run your own network and have other affiliates run offers through it and you generate whatever margins you decide on.

All in all I think HasOffers is an incredible service with how simple it is to setup and use.  If you haven’t yet you should definitely check it out.

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There Aren’t Enough No Name Affiliate Networks | ppc.bz
July 3, 2009 at 1:12 pm

{ 6 comments… read them below or add one }

1 Matt July 3, 2009 at 12:37 am

Hey Bryn,

Been using it for awhile now & it rocks. I’m hoping out of this we might see some more specialty networks crop up where before the initial startup cost of technology + capital for payouts put niche networks’ launch plans on hold.

I’d like to see a network really hit a niche hard, stick with it so they don’t get diluted, and work out every angle of it to support their pubs.


2 Ryan Eagle July 10, 2009 at 3:22 am

I love the tatto guys, they are doing some great things in this industry. I’m excited to see how this is going to change things for people – gonna keep me hustling even harder.


3 peluang usaha July 11, 2009 at 10:12 am

I am interested to try hasoffers.com, thanks for explaining it.


4 Toan Nguyen Minh July 27, 2009 at 9:42 am

I have also signed-up HasOffers. It is very easy to setup your new affiliate network and manage it.
Thanks for nice review article!


5 Alex Kim July 29, 2009 at 11:56 am

I’ve been seeing and heard about this site a while ago, but never give it a try. However, now I’m going to sign up and give it a shot to see how it goes. Thanks for sharing


6 Aaron December 21, 2010 at 8:37 pm

I came across the HasOffers platform as a publisher, and let me tell you how this ‘service’ has treated me.
I came across a site listing the networks and the offers they have that run non the hasoffers platform, and decided to sign up for a few of them. So, I signed up, and was interviewed (on the phone) by each network. Not surprisingly, all of them accepted me. So, I’m going along doing my thing, promoting their offers, and making some decent commissions. When I hit the payment threshold for each of these networks, my manager emails asking for my W9, and I send it immediately. Everything else is going good, all through the rest of the month, and it is time for payments to start rolling in.

3 days before my first payment is due to come in, I go to log into one of the networks, and it says my account has been suspended. I never got any communication from anybody, and told my managers exactly how I run traffic to my sites and the offers that I run (when they accepted me). Anyways, I find the contact info for the network administrator. Then I emailed them. After a few days of no reply, I tried calling them.. same result.

Next thing you know same exact thing happens with all of the other networks I signed up for on that ‘has offers’ thing. ALL of them have stolen my commissions and will not call me back, email me back or anything.

Learn from my mistakes and do not trust people who run on this platform. There is a reason it is free… and I fear it is not a good situation for publishers to be in. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.


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