Quit Drinking For a Month – Week 1 Update

by Bryn Youngblut on November 7, 2011

At the start of this month I started a challenge to not have a single drink for a month.

Today is day 7 and everything is going great.

Some observations I have noticed:

  • My energy level is up a bit, however I find myself getting tired faster at night which usually leads to me having a coffee
  • I seem to always need to have some sort of a drink, whether it be water, coffee, ginger-ale or cranberry juice (maybe I should get checked out for diabetes)
  • The first few days it felt very annoying not having a glass of red wine with my dinner, however I don’t really think about it anymore
  • My stomach feels much better, some days it would hurt or feel gassy

That’s pretty much it for now.

Happy making monies!

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1 Lol November 7, 2011 at 2:43 pm

Nice work.. after reading your post, I decided to try to stop for the month too… I havent stopped 100%, but man do I feel better, especially in the mornings. I find myself drinking more sugarry type drinks too which seems to help me stop drinking for the day


2 Matt November 7, 2011 at 9:58 pm

Good job, Bryn & glad to hear it’s going well for you..


3 WPBounce November 9, 2011 at 8:52 pm

Good job, dude.
I’ve tried being sober before for months. It’s hard. But nothing tastes better as a cold beer you haven’t had in a long time (=


4 Jim.am July 17, 2012 at 7:13 am

WPBounce has a good point. That first beer on a hot day after a month off is going to be mind blowing!!


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