John Chow cares about his readers

by Bryn Youngblut on July 15, 2008

I must say, I have contacted some popular bloggers in the last few months with little comments, requests, even asking some for simple information such as advertising info and have only ever gotten a reply from one of them. John Chow. I sent him an email asking about hosting and he replied back letting me know about the company that currently hosts his blog for free, blue fur. It was a simple and nice reply. He took time out of his busy schedule (it was also during the TAC challenge mind you) to reply to my email. I realize most of the big guys are very busy but I just wanted to commend John for caring about his readers. I think you’ll also see somewhere in the Top Affiliate Challenge videos someone mentioning how John reads every comment posted and actually cares what people have to say.

Sometimes all it takes is a simple one sentence reply to show you care.

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{ 10 comments… read them below or add one }

1 danandmarsh July 15, 2008 at 11:05 pm

Do you really believe it was John Chow personally answered your question? I don’t, maybe I am wrong! The money he makes every month,places he goes,blah, blah. Can’t tell me that he doesn’t have employees that work for him. Just my opinion.


2 Chetan July 16, 2008 at 12:09 am

If any one does not respond to the emails that they get, even John Chow, Shoe Money etc. everyone would lose their readers, and readership of the blog would decrease!

So it’s a must for them to reserve some time to answer to their readers.


3 dcr July 16, 2008 at 12:53 am

Whether it was him or someone employed by him, the important thing is that you got a response, which is something I’ve heard others complaining about not getting from the big bloggers.

Then again, you can sometimes question the reliability of eMail. Who knows if anyone even received your message. You can’t be sure whether it ended up in a junk folder or if they just never bothered to respond.


4 internet 4 money July 16, 2008 at 7:39 am

Did he mention about using his cupon if you use blue fur? If so maybe he just running his affiliate strategy… 😀


5 Entrepreneur July 16, 2008 at 8:26 am

Yep, he gets lifetime commissions for recommending bluefur to people but at the same time I have written to him before and he does reply to emails (whether him or hired person) and that’s great.


6 Sentences July 16, 2008 at 8:28 am

hi, i like your blog. yeah john chow is a nice guy.


7 Bryn Youngblut July 16, 2008 at 6:11 pm

I am pretty confident it was him. The reply sounded very personal.


8 Bryn Youngblut July 16, 2008 at 6:12 pm

Actually he did mention bluefur but he did not mention any coupons or affiliate links.


9 Keith July 17, 2008 at 4:30 pm

Good post!

It always makes me laugh when the ‘big guys’ always post about feel free to contact me blah blah blah….and none ever write back. I understand being busy, but if you don’t intend to reply to a majority don’t act like you will do so. Ridiculous.

John seems like a pretty cool guy. He also showed character with The Top Affiliate Challenge. The show was a disaster (in my opinion) and many on the show started bashing it publicly, but John hung in there til after the show. It’s pretty unprofessional to sign up for something and then bash it before you even finished your commitment.


10 browie July 21, 2008 at 6:57 pm

Chow is a VERY nice guy. I hung out with John 3 times while he was on the Top Aff. challenge show. VERY nice, you are correct. He does not care who you are or if you make loads of cash he acts the same around everyone. Unlike some people that want you to pay them $150/hr. to answer a simple question like you asked.


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