Advertising Is Gone For Now

by Bryn Youngblut on September 29, 2008

I have decided to remove the little advertising this blog had (125×125 ads). I did this as a personal choice and since I have never been a fan of advertisements.

This is my personal blog and not my business. I just want to share my thoughts about what I do online and whatever else interests me without worrying about the best way to monetize it. To be honest I was about to throw down $1500 for a new blog design but decided against it since the content is what should really matter and this design is simple, clean and good enough for me.

Trust me, selling a 125×125 block ad for $50 or something is a waste of my time and not worth having on my blog. Maybe once this blog gets bigger I will get to the point where I can’t refuse some advertising offers but until then it’s going to stay ad free and clean.

BTW everyone should convince MarketLeverage to send me a Flip camera so I can make some videos. πŸ™‚

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{ 5 comments… read them below or add one }

1 Dina September 29, 2008 at 6:30 pm

Everyone should convince who of what? πŸ™‚ Thanks for the mention Bryn, I’ve got my eye on you!

Dinas last blog post..Market Leverage TV 09/29/08 Your Source For Affiliate News


Bryn Youngblut Reply:

Wow that was quick. πŸ™‚


Dina Reply:

Always watching the blogosphere!

Dinas last blog post..Market Leverage TV 09/29/08 Your Source For Affiliate News


2 Patel September 29, 2008 at 7:50 pm

Hey, That is pretty cool what you did!

Patels last blog post..What Should I Blog About?


3 Chris September 29, 2008 at 8:19 pm

Interesting new approach πŸ™‚ Hope it works out for you

Chriss last blog post..Try Wordtracker for just $1


Bryn Youngblut Reply:

I think it really all depends on what your motives are. I blog as a hobby and I do affiliate marketing as my income stream. Out of any websites I have made the main goal has never been to make money, It’s much faster and more profitable doing affiliate marketing then flipping websites or any of that stuff.


Chris Reply:

I think most true affiliate marketers that blog are the same way.. it seems however most of the self proclaimed “super affiliates” blog to make money and make most of their income that way

Chriss last blog post..Try Wordtracker for just $1


Bryn Youngblut Reply:

I find that true aswell, that or they had some past success and now are just banking off of referrals from affiliate networks. Unfortunately that won’t last forever.

4 Steven-Sanders October 1, 2008 at 1:17 am

Interesting post. You tell everyone you’re taking ads off the blog only to post text affiliate link right there in this very post. πŸ™‚

Steven-Sanderss last blog post..The Dreaded Return of ShoeChucky


Bryn Youngblut Reply:

There’s a difference between annoying banner advertisements and referral links. The link goes to the same place anyways, there’s no reason why people shouldn’t get credit for it.


5 Michael October 10, 2008 at 10:44 am

So you don’t like money, give your to me AhahAHah. Yeah 125×125 ad it’s a small ad I don’t think it would mess your template, it’s my opinion! People who are feedlize with your blog don’t care about the ads in, they want to see the content…

Michaels last blog post..SMALLVILLE – 3ΒΊ episodio – 8Βͺ temporada – DOWNLOAD em AVI e RMVB Legendado


Bryn Youngblut Reply:

I completely agree but I just see it as my personal blog which is also why I decided against guest posts and such, it’s my opinions and my views which is what a personal blog should be.


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