Are You A Sell Out?

by Bryn Youngblut on November 16, 2008

I was recently contacted by someone who wanted me to write up a review about their new E-book. I was offered a free copy of the e-book and some money. I don’t normally do this type of thing so what i did was I told him to send me a copy of the e-book and I would read it over. If it was relevant to my blog and I thought it was good content then I would have no problem sharing it with my readers.

So I received a copy of the e-book, scanned it over and decided it wasn’t necessarily suited to what I generally talk about and so I declined the offer and thanked him for the consideration. It seemed like a great read for the subject, but to be honest this blog is not here to make me money. I am all for promoting affiliate links when talking about something related to your niche but I’m not going to try to sell something I could care less about.

I try my best to keep my integrity and not be a “sell out”.

Have you ever dealt with a moral issue like this?

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1 Chris November 16, 2008 at 3:11 pm

You promised you wouldn’t tell!! Nah jk πŸ™‚

Chriss last blog post..Why your Blog Sucks!


2 Arfan November 16, 2008 at 4:10 pm

If i were you I would have TAKEN IT πŸ˜€ hahahha , notttttttt haha actually it matters what he offers me Hmmmmmmmmm

Arfans last blog post..Gaining Traffic by Donating Money Using Facebook Groups


Bryn Youngblut Reply:

Oh I’m sure most people would too, that’s what separates the successful.


3 Dot Com Dud November 16, 2008 at 6:09 pm

I think I need to be more of a sell-out to be honest. A lot of bloggers are always shilling products they’d never use or pay for themselves but I guess that’s how they make their money.

I don’t think you’d lose readers if you did decide to review the eBook though.

Dot Com Duds last blog post..Week 2 Winner


4 browie November 16, 2008 at 10:05 pm

Oh, this reminds me. Want to review my new ebook called “How to become a sellout in Internet Marketing” wanna review it πŸ™‚

browies last blog post..PPC-Coach Contest Update


Bryn Youngblut Reply:

Oh definitely, send that shit!


5 Feedback Secrets November 17, 2008 at 3:12 pm

I wrote a post about this subject a while back called Monetizing Credibility.

I think that ultimately each blogger has to make the decision for their self as to what they feel comfortable with. In your case, based on the tone of your writing, I get the impression that you’re at peace with your decision.

Somehow I think that if you would have taken this particular deal, you would be less happy about it than you are now.


6 Dennis Edell November 18, 2008 at 12:00 pm

Great job Bryn. I’m always writing about responsibility to your readers and credibility online… did well young jedi. πŸ™‚

Dennis Edells last blog post..$5 Paypal For The Best Favicon Idea!


Bryn Youngblut Reply:

Thanks Dennis, I really do appreciate it.


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