Kiva – Support Entrepreneurs Around The World

by Bryn Youngblut on June 24, 2011

I last wrote about Kiva 2 years ago here and I still really believe in how great it is.

It’s not like donating money to a traditional charity where 15-20% of the money actually goes to the cause and the rest goes to things like the salaries of overpaid CEO’s.

You loan money to entrepreneurs all around the world, they repay the loan and you can now loan the money out again to someone else. It’s genius.

You can diversify the risk by only loaning small amounts (from $25) to each entrepreneur, many people donate to make up the total amount.

They have almost a 99% repayment rate, which is incredible.

If you haven’t checked it out yet or were never convinced I really think you should give it a chance.

Here is my invite link. I don’t make anything from this post or by referring people, I just really believe in the service that Kiva offers.

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{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

1 Andrew Scherer June 26, 2011 at 4:07 am

I was also really surprised about the repayment rate of this program. I’ve put just a few hundred through and received every penny back so far.


2 Dan Brandon June 27, 2011 at 6:50 am

It’s great to see a fellow affiliate marketer using Kiva! Once the funds are paid back to you re-invest or put them to another use? I like to donate the repaid loan to another charity leveraging the money 2x.


3 Jeff June 28, 2011 at 9:24 am

yeah I hear you, I’m always wary about where my money goes when I donate it… This is cool though!


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