Showing My Gratitude To Prosper202

by Bryn Youngblut on March 1, 2009

I just donated $500 to Prosper202.

The guys over at Prosper202 are good friends of mine and the amount of time and money prosper202 has saved me and more importantly helped my business, I felt it was only right to thank them by donating a bit myself.

They have set a goal to raise $50,000. If you use prosper202 or even tracking202 you should really consider giving any donation you can, every dollar adds up.

You can donate to prosper202 here:

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1 Rich March 2, 2009 at 4:59 am

I really admire marketers who know how to show gratitude to those who have helped them, and you’re so generous in doing it.

I am now off to their site, not to donate but to check if I can use it too. I just hope I can donate that much later.

Keep it up!

Richs last blog post..Choosing the Most Profitable Niche for your Blog


2 Dennis Edell March 2, 2009 at 10:29 am

Never heard of them, but I’ll check it out.

Dennis Edells last blog post..Comment Contest March – Sponsors and Prizes


Toronto SEO Reply:

Same never heard about them before as well. First time hearing from Bryn going to check them out.


3 Chris March 8, 2009 at 7:54 pm

I’m still shocked Prosper202 and Tracker202 is free!

Chriss last blog post..$10 Off PPC-Coach!


4 Wes Mahler March 11, 2009 at 7:51 am

Thanks again bryn, really appreciate it, just wanted to say thanks again i owe you one. it helps out. our last server move was extremely expensive which we ate the cost on. 10k+ for the free service. appreciate it man

Wes Mahlers last blog post..If I Had To Do It All Over Again


5 Rohail Rizvi March 15, 2009 at 12:26 am

Bryn, that is awesome to see. That’s exactly what I was expecting every super affiliate out there to do and I’m still hoping to see more affiliates donate. Wes and his team work tremendously hard and they definitely deserve whatever donations we can give them. I wish I was making enough bank to donate, but I’m down like 10k right now. If I was a super affiliate and used 202 I’d be donating though, for sure.

Rohail Rizvis last blog post..Interview with Jasper


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