One Of The Best Investments You Can Make

by Bryn Youngblut on March 30, 2009

I got a whiteboard back in December and it has increased my productivity dramatically. Whenever I have something I need to do I write it on the whiteboard, when I finish a task I erase it, simple as that.

I have a terrible memory as it is so the white board is essential for me.

Mines really bare right now as I have done a crap load of work today and got most of my tasks done.


It’s not a huge whiteboard but it does the job for now. I would recommend keeping it in a spot you walk by or look at often so you are constantly looking at it and remember the tasks you wrote down.

If you could increase your productivity by spending 20-30 bucks why wouldn’t you?

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1 Ian Fernando March 30, 2009 at 6:51 pm

yes it is – the next thing I am going to do is turn half of my wall into a white board.

Ian Fernandos last blog post..CPA Shuffle in Private Beta


2 Jimmy Ramos March 30, 2009 at 6:58 pm

Definitely agree bro’. I don’t know what happened over the past few years, but I’ve become very forgetful. I have two of these bad boys around the desk and they certainly help fix that problem – as long as I don’t forget to write stuff down. LOL


3 spyderman4g63 March 30, 2009 at 8:26 pm

This can also be a time waste if you keep making lists about making lists about making lists and don’t actually do anything.

spyderman4g63s last blog post..Editing MySQL Data Using PHP


4 Sid March 30, 2009 at 9:35 pm

LOL…would have loved to see what’s on the white board šŸ˜›

Thanks anyways for posting. I do have a little whiteboard for myself…and yes, it works great!


5 Amin March 30, 2009 at 11:51 pm

I just use jot all my ideas down in aone ms notepad saved on my desktop. Double click, quickly write down idea, close. No need for a whiteboard either :]


6 Pumpkin Chief March 31, 2009 at 10:55 am


Great tip! I do this as well, but with Post-Its that get stuck to my monitor (for long term tasks). Short term tasks — the ones I need to do right now, and can accomplish in a day — are on a Post-It on my desk.

Sure, it’s a simple, old-school system, but it works great, and keeps me productive.


Pumpkin Chiefs last blog post..Trackback Spam (Why is it Still Around?)


7 Meji April 12, 2009 at 11:19 am

I do that already but I use a small notebook. Therefore I can carry it around with me and what not..I’m kind of a private person too also.

Mejis last blog post..How Iā€™m Preparing For My FOREX Endeavors


8 Profit Addiction May 12, 2010 at 10:58 am

Very, VERY true. I’m moving in August so I’ll be replacing my small whiteboard with a massive one. Size matters.


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