April Fools Success And Fail

by Bryn Youngblut on March 31, 2009

There is a LOT of gullible people out there, just look at these two April fools jokes by two well known bloggers.

Successful April Fools Joke:


Failed April Fools Joke:


It’s pretty clear that Shoemoneys fooled a lot of people, while John Chows fooled hardly anyone (not to mention the words affiliate manager in his link are spelt wrong).

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1 shoemoney March 31, 2009 at 6:36 pm

the key is to not approve comments that spoil the joke and to play along with those who fall for it.

this also helps it spread like wildfire. currently over 300 unapproved comments in que =P

shoemoneys last blog post..Moving To Portland


Bryn Youngblut Reply:

haha yup I figured so, Chow isn’t monitoring his comments too well.


2 browie March 31, 2009 at 11:49 pm

Shoe did NOT fool me. In fact I believe I’m the first comment on there to call him out. Ding Ding ding I win.

browies last blog post..CPA Shuffle


3 Dino April 1, 2009 at 1:16 am

Actually, Shoemoney didnt do to well. While he tricked 18 commentators. His technique included deleting comments from all those that new it was an april fools day joke.

I have screenshots of this lol.



4 Blippitt April 1, 2009 at 1:39 am

Other way around. With the cheesy film effect and the LOST music, you could tell Shoe’s was fake right away. I actually almost believed John Chow’s for a second, though.

Blippitts last blog post..Perez Hilton “Ghosting” on PerezHilton.com?


5 Melvin April 1, 2009 at 1:57 am

LOL.. it has some other factors as well. most shoe’s commenter are fool for not recognizing that was an april fools prank. i give him kudos though for that creative idea. chow’s present sucks haha… its pretty obvious that’s an impossible thing to happen… =p


6 Melvin April 1, 2009 at 2:01 am

@shoemoney huh! thats why shoe! LOL, i was like the 10+ commenter to say its an april fools joke and my comment didnt appear… anyway i know you’re gonna hold comments but am surprised chow didnt… LOl, the post alone is close to 500 comments

Melvins last blog post..Sell A Blog for $9500 and Get 9500 Spams!


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