Shoemoney vs. The Incredible Hulk: How To Protect Yourself Online

September 22, 2009

Tweet A guest post by Dennis Yu, CEO of BlitzLocal, providing local lead gen for professional service firms. By now, you’ve probably read about the Shoemoney vs. uptight hotel employee incident. Silly story, but what could you do to protect yourself when you’ve made enemies, whether deserved or not? Buy your own name: And not […]

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I Am A Badass

September 21, 2009

Tweet UPDATE: So literally a few minutes after I wrote this post I clicked the links in it to make sure they worked and I noticed DK had just put up a post about the same exact “badass” thing I just wrote about…wow what a coincidence…well here’s his post. So I just returned from the […]

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5 Things You MUST Know About Managing Large Facebook Ad Campaigns

September 14, 2009

Tweet The following is a guest post by Dennis Yu, whose company, BlitzLocal is one of the largest Facebook advertisers. If you’re like us, you have dozens if not hundreds of Facebook campaigns– each with a couple dozen ads. And if you don’t have an automated tool to manage ads (believe me, it’s nice, but […]

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September 10, 2009

Tweet I set 3 goals at the beginning of the year and accomplished them before half of the year was over. When I think about it now my goals seemed a little crazy (even more so to friends and family who saw them too). The 3 goals I set to accomplish within a year was […]

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Excuses Don’t Make You Money

August 19, 2009

Tweet I was having a chat this morning with a friend and we were talking about how there are people all throughout your life who will always try and bring you down. These people don’t have the motivation to be successful like you so they just bitch and complain and ultimately do nothing about it. […]

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Affiliate Summit East 2009 Craziness

August 14, 2009

Tweet Day 1 (Saturday, August 8 ) I arrived a bit early on Saturday around 3pm with Max, we dropped off our bags real quick in The London Hotel (amazing hotel), and grabbed some grub with Ratko and his buddy. I forget the places name but the portion sizes were HUGE…I asked the waiter if […]

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Are You Pumped For Affiliate Summit?

August 6, 2009

Tweet I’ve been waiting for ASE to come since Vegas…omg I had so much fun at ASW. I am  booked up for lunches and dinners and I plan on being around the booths scorin some free booze as much as possible. I’ve only been to NYC once a few years ago and wow do you […]

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Tatto Media Contest Results – Everyone Wins

August 5, 2009

Tweet You may recall the Tatto Media contest that started 2 months back where whoever generated the most revenue would win a free flight/pass to Affiliate Summit East. A few people ran a bit of volume but nothing substantial, regardless the winner was contacted multiple times and never responded. Turns out none of the top […]

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Manage All Your E-mail Accounts From Gmail

July 28, 2009

Tweet I’m shocked by how many people aren’t aware of this feature on Gmail. To setup additional e-mails, just go to the Accounts section under Settings and add all of your other emails. For example…whenever someone sends an e-mail to my bryn [at] e-mail, I have it set to automatically forward it to my […]

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Just Over A Week Left

July 22, 2009

Tweet Looks like since my last post a few people have started to take the contest more seriously and run some offers, but seriously guys it’s a FREE Flight and Pass to Affiliate Summit East…I looked at the stats so far and I personally ran more with Tattoo Media in the last 2 days than […]

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