Ever Wondered How Much Your Site Is Worth?

by Bryn Youngblut on June 11, 2008

Well now there’s a pretty cool and easy way to check. I came across websiteoutlook a few weeks ago and have been checking my websites and some other random ones. They only let you update the sites stats every 15 days.

How does it work?

Basically it collects data from various websites and calculates the estimated page views the site gets per day. Also they include the sites page rank, back links, where the site is hosted and even an estimation of net worth and daily ads revenue (if the site is monetized).

How accurate is it?

Well as we all know nothing is perfect but it does give you a good estimation and can prove to be a helpful tool when selling your website to give you and the buyer a good idea of the sites worth. It is also a great tool for advertisers to see how many page views a site gets before considering an advertisement placement.

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{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

1 Steve June 15, 2008 at 10:45 am

It says Google is only worth:
Net Worth : $1.2 Billion
Not too accurate about some sites but it gives a good insight plus it’s cool how it shows average pageviews, pr, etc


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