“I Need Help With PPV!”

by Bryn Youngblut on July 14, 2009

It seems like I get emails about ppv almost every day now because of the post I made a while back about how great the potential for it is.

If you don’t know what PPV is, read this first.

As complicated as so many people make it seem, PPV is actually very easy. The problem is it’s very time consuming.

One of the most common questions I get is should you target by keywords or urls, and I will say this one more time, there really is no difference. The only proven way I have found to make successful PPV campaigns is to track everything and analyze what’s working and what’s not. Cut out what’s losing you money and keep what isn’t…simple. Again it’s very time consuming if you’re analyzing thousands of keywords/urls but once you get a hang of it and if you have the discipline it is relatively easy.

When it comes to a landing page or direct linking the offer, it really depends on the offer. It also really depends on how you do it. I’m not going to reveal all my tactics I’ve learned on my own but if you think out the box and look at what others are doing it’s really not that hard to figure it out. Always split test, for short form/lead submits direct linking usually works fine. For free trials a long presell is usually necessary but not always. I usually do split tests with a landing page vs. direct linking because you never know.

Think outside the box, try new things, take more risks…the rewards are limitless.

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{ 6 comments… read them below or add one }

1 Matt July 14, 2009 at 11:30 am

Thanks for some more information. 😉


2 Ian Fernando July 15, 2009 at 7:13 pm

yup it is all testing really. btw bryn can you tell me real quick what PPV is?

Ian Fernandos last blog post..Leveraging Opportunities from Testimonials


3 Ronnie Sullivan July 24, 2009 at 3:43 am

Thanks for updating.


4 Allyn July 30, 2009 at 8:36 am

I like the concept of PPV. I wonder about video thought, any networks you recommend there?


5 Wayne January 15, 2010 at 3:01 pm


Good point on tracking, I have found that using direct linking can convert but from a tracking perspective it is tricky.

However with a landing page you can gauge ‘click-throughs’ and then prune the time wasters!

Cheers buddy.



6 Wynne March 1, 2010 at 6:47 pm

Hey Bryn,
I have had a brief play with ppv. Direct linking is straight forward, and so is using a shocking page that gets attention and then links through to offer page.

What I don’t get is how you use a long pre-sell page as a popup? Are you saying that you get your 750 x 550 page approved and then go back and change it to a longer format page?


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