Being Transparent Online Is Good Business

by Bryn Youngblut on October 21, 2009

I think the beauty of the internet is that anyone can hide behind their monitor and for the most part say what they want without anyone knowing who they are. I would guess 99% of people do that by using screen names.

As most people have noticed I am 100% transparent everywhere I am; forums, email, instant messenger, blog comments, twitter, etc. I don’t hide behind screen names or pretend to be someone I am not. I think this is very important for business in general and also great for networking.

If I notice someone who is completely upfront about themselves and everything they do I am way more likely to want to work with them or even talk to them. It also helps when you use a picture of yourself everywhere you network online so when it comes to meeting in real life it’s that much easier to put a name to a face.

I’m terrible with names but from the people I know online who have their pictures on their avatars or wherever, I almost always will remember them solely because of that. It’s also nice going to conferences or events and you feel like you know the person or vise versa simply because of seeing their image and name everywhere they socialize online.

Just thinking off the top of my head, pretty much every successful person I know uses their picture everywhere they interact online.

Don’t be afraid to be transparent online – who cares if you’re young or whatever. I’m 22 and I look young as hell – just be confident with who you are.

Unless you have something to hide that is.

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{ 8 comments… read them below or add one }

1 ChibRock October 21, 2009 at 4:58 pm

yes that is def the truth. oh by the way why did you change the blog theme? the first one was better although this one loads faster than that old one anyways. keep it real man.


Bryn Youngblut Reply:

I wanted a more simplistic theme with no ads. I also cut out a lot of clutter. This is my space to talk and vent about whatever I feel like so I wanted it to suit me.

I’m also nowhere near modding the theme up to make it nicer but I like it for now.


2 ChibRock October 21, 2009 at 5:14 pm

oh well, thats nice man. It sure is simple but it need some color. lol


3 James Seligman October 21, 2009 at 5:30 pm

I used to “hide” behind screen names on forums and other places, then about 2 years ago I realized I just couldn’t do that anymore. When someone would contact me, they had know idea who I was and calling me by my username was just made it totally informal, plus now-a-days you really can’t “hide”, someone will figure out who you are.


4 TipJar October 21, 2009 at 7:29 pm

Yeah, I agree. I guess I’m just paranoid and wouldn’t want to get a bad rep in the community. What if someone steals my identity? What if I get bashed? What if someone looks me up and stalks me? What if the FTC comes knocking at my door?


5 Ruck October 22, 2009 at 1:14 am

@ Tipjar – Then you pick yourself up from whatever happens and you go again. What do you mean by a “bad rep” in the community? LOL, this is the internet and what’s even more laughable is that you are probably speaking in regards to the “make money online” crowd in which 99% of the people in it are full of shit anyway so get the confidence up because when it comes down to it, giving a shit what others think is just a hindrance to achieving your goals.


6 Tipjar October 22, 2009 at 12:19 pm

Easy for you to say Ruck! You have one of the best networks and reps in the community. 😛

I’m talking more along the lines of ROI Share, Chris Desouza, CPA Bullet, etc, etc.


Bryn Youngblut Reply:

Using a fake email every time you post doesn’t help either. You can’t build up credibility until you at least start…


7 JasperP October 22, 2009 at 7:39 pm

What happened to the gangsta pic? lol


8 Justin Brooke November 16, 2009 at 11:42 am

Hey TipJar,
I think your fears and concerns are valid. I’ve had some crazy encounters with customers and subscribers where they got too close for comfort. I think it’s acceptable to want to hide your identity (I don’t) but then you don’t get to also want to be transparent or famous online.

I know tons of guys who are KILLING it online but they won’t let me interview them or talk about them because they want to stay low key. As for the FTC, they’ll find you regardless – Ain’t no chance in running from the U.S. Gov – not forever anyway.


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