Don’t Waste Your Time And Money With Facebook Ads

by Bryn Youngblut on September 21, 2008

Note: Since writing this I have changed my views so please take this post with a grain of salt as it was purely from my frustration at the time.

Facebook has finally pissed me off for the last time. I started using facebook ads back when they first came out and they were actually not bad. Ads got approved relatively quick and you would literally get a burst of targeted traffic within minutes.

Now, it seems they are working as hard as possible to not get any advertisers. I wanted to blame this on what I picture as being a bunch of drunken interns randomly approving ads but it seems it’s just a bunch of customer support people who all don’t know what their doing.

After a few recent ads got disapproved I decided to see what the hell was going on so I found a few ads, found out the exact affiliate network they were using to promote the offer and I even copied the ad text/picture. Now you would think an exact copy of an already running ad would have no problem getting approved, wouldn’t it? Not a chance. I tried this with 3 different ads and offers and all of them kept getting rejected even after multiple attempts at different times.

The reasoning for the rejections were always the same:

After looking at their advertising guidelines per sections 8 and 9 many times I can still not conclude what I was doing wrong. None of my ads were violating the guidelines. The funny part is I actually still have one campaign running that I put up a week ago. I tried duplicating it and it got rejected with the same reasons as the ones above. So why did they approve my ad a week ago and now when I make one the exact same it gets rejected? I have determined getting an ad approved at facebook now is basically a shot in the dark.

Oh and the only reason I was using facebook ads was because I had free coupons.

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Get Your Ads Approved On Facebook | Bryn Youngblut - Entrepreneur and Affiliate Marketer
November 29, 2008 at 2:28 pm

{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

1 Chris De La Rosa September 23, 2008 at 1:43 pm

Finally someone else is seeing the facking light with Facebook. I too copied an ad and tried to resubmit it as a tets after my ads were getting disapproved. Like you, that same ad that was currently running on their network, did not meet there guidelines. WTF? It’s alreayd live in your network people.

I also tried to duplicate ads that I already had running (same copy, same url) .. nope got rejected.

Chris De La Rosas last blog post..Is working from home the new fool’s gold?


Bryn Youngblut Reply:

Yeah I find it pretty rediculous.


2 nickycakes September 23, 2008 at 7:09 pm

Reference posts like this when you’re looking for the reason you failed in this industry.

nickycakess last blog post..The Day Has Finally Arrived


Bryn Youngblut Reply:

Oh trust me I haven’t failed at using facebook ads. I actually still have 6 campaigns running.


nickycakes Reply:

then stop crying about it

nickycakess last blog post..The Day Has Finally Arrived


3 Chris September 25, 2008 at 8:16 am

This is why I put my facebook ads on hold for now, concentrating on other means of advertising that aren’t as inconsistent 🙂


4 Ganesh September 26, 2008 at 9:44 pm

I haven’t tried Facebook Ads till now. I’ll do it now. 🙂

Ganeshs last blog post..My First Proxy –


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